What is Somatic Release Breathwork?


A powerful HEALING modality, SRBW uses simple breathing techniques in order to help the breath sweep away trauma that is stored inside the body. 

As a trained facilitator under the study of Steven Jaggers, the founder of SRBW, I was inspired by the evidence-based findings seen in my clients that were backed by wonderful JOURNAL ARTICLES on Somatic Release. 

Clients would state that they felt more open, more connected, and physical relief after a breathwork session. 
The process involves lying flat on a yoga mat or blanket, breathing deeply, and following my instructions during breath holds. The session will take 1.5-2 hours, but you will be breathing deeply for approximately 1-hour. It is best to practice this modality not on a full stomach, but you can eat whatever you want afterwards. Crying, yelling, screaming, or any emotions that come up during the practice is allowed and encouraged. This is a safe place to feel your emotions that have been blocked. Drink plenty of water, and allow yourself rest afterwards.


What do you need to know before your breathwork journey? Click here.

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About Marilyn:

With her background in nursing, Marilyn facilitates Somatic Breathwork with a special knowledge in health and body chemistry. She integrates her medical knowledge with the art of energy healing in Therapeutic Touch, to create a safe space for her clients to discharge and heal.


"I don't know how. I can't explain it. But, my revelations and experience in the class has made a long lasting impact in my relationship with food. I have had such a poor relationship with food in my life, using it as a crutch for emotional fulfillment, love unrequited, and at the same time self harm and punishment. After the experience I no longer have food cravings, binge eat, self-harm by allowing one treat to turn into a dozen, worry about having a cheat meal, desire garbage food..."-Steve

"Marilyn facilitated the most beautiful Somatic Release Breathwork for me. In deep gratitude for her and this work." -Sarah W.

"Thank you Marilyn for providing the safe space I needed to start my healing journey! This was such an incredible experience and I can't wait to do it with you again!"-Traci

"I liked the breathwork. My body is very resistant to letting stuff go and I felt something go." Farzhad